Opera hunter is delighted to present the charming Disney musical The Aristocats Kids. Based on the 1970 movie, the musical is an absolute show stopper for talented kids and young adults. Audiences of all ages will be enchanted. The Director is Joanna Andrew, Assistant Director and Choreographer Sally-Anne Smith.
There are 30 in the largly double cast headed by Jess Osbourne, Caleb Jacobs, Bonnie Coles, Sarah Elliott, Maisie Owens & Isabella Horsnell. The music features jazz style. The classic song “Ev’rybody Wants to be a Cat” refers not only to the feline species but also a true jazz muso. The show is preceded by a concert featuring many of the cast with excellent choreography by Sally-Anne Smith.
The show plays at Lake Macquarie Performing Arts Centre Warners Bay on April 22,23, 24,and 26; performances at 2pm and 6pm. Then at the Wesley Centre Hamilton April 27 2pm and 6pm. Tickets are available from Mercia Buck mbuck@exemail.com.au or 02 4943 1672 – Adults $25, Concession $15, Children $10 (15 yrs & under), Family $60 (2 adults & 2 children).