Join us for High Tea with Opera Hunter
Join us for High Tea with Opera Hunter, Sunday 14 August at 4:30pm, upstairs in the Memorial Hall, Adamstown Uniting Church. This is part of the inaugural Newcastle Music Festival.
We are proud to announce that renowned soprano, Susan Hart will give a special appearance, performing the beautiful Flower Duet from Lakme with Olivia Payne and other pieces.
People attending High Tea will receive a glass of champagne on arrival and will be offered a delicious variety of specialty delights excellent teas and brewed coffee.
Guests will also enjoy the Trio from Cosi van tutti, If Ever I would Leave You from Camelot, favourite moments from Figaro, and much more from stars of Opera Hunter Hayley Doherty, Georgia Hall, Amber Lewis, Jared Lillehagen, Alex Sefton and young performers Tashana Hardy and Ezekiel Weedon.
Tickets are $40 per head and can be booked by phoning (02) 4943 1672 or online at Sticky Tickets: https://www.stickytickets.com.au/40169/high_tea_with_opera_hunter.aspx
Please note, this was previously published as being held in the Dungeon, downstairs at Adamstown Uniting Church but has been moved upstairs due to high ticket sales.